Friday, January 29, 2010

Blake Mycoskie + TOMS shoes

This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to listed to Blake Mycoskie discuss how he created TOMS shoes. TOMS is based on a philosophy of 'one for one.' Every time someone buys a pair of shoes, he gives a pair of shoes away. The perfect business model. If only everyone else would follow and realize their social responsibility when creating companies. He has found success because of this model. People enjoying donating their money, but it makes it so much more beneficial if both parties in turn receive something. After attending his speech, it helped me realize I want to work for a company like that. A company that participates in something that is so much larger than just the company. If I had the opportunity to attend a 'shoe drop' I would stop everything I was doing and go in a heartbeat.

If you do not own a pair of TOMS, I highly suggest that you go and buy a pair. They are comfortable, inexpensive, and it is for a good cause.

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