Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time Management.

This next month of my life is going to be absolutely crazy. In my capstone course for the Journalism school, we are working on a campaign to help minimize toxic drinking on the KU campus. What does this entail? Well, my life is going to be consumed by meeting with my awesome team for hours and hours practically every day. Additionally, there is still research to be done. Myself, 3 other students, and our Professor are heading to Colorado State on Thursday morning. We will be interviewing administrators at CSU to determine how they have reduced their drinking levels. We will then leave Friday afternoon to return to Kansas. Quick trip. Members from my class will also travel to UNL, UVA, and Mizzou. This course proves to the world what we have learned in our 4 years at KU, and our ability to produce a worthy campaign. There was a news article about our class in the Lawrence-Journal World. You can find the article here. 

In addition to the nearly 40-hour a week campaigns course, I am additionally enrolled in 14 more hours. Of course at the end of the semester, comes the due dates for EVERYTHING. This next month I will have the opportunity to prove to myself my abilities of time management. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better my skills? Right now, I make to-do lists. Rank them in importance. And complete the tasks as they come. (I also include tasks I've already completed, just so I can cross them off my list). <--- That might be cheating, but it makes me feel like I've accomplished something. 

Image from: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs27/300W/i/2008/162/c/0/Red_Solo_Cup_by_dmg025.jpg

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March Madness

My beloved Jayhawks lost tonight in the 2nd round of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. They were the overall number 1 seed. It was a very disappointing loss. I was hoping for a repeat of my sophomore year, when my team brought the national championship title back to Lawrence. 

As a senior I would have loved running to Mass St. to celebrate with 40,000 people again. But, I  guess that is why the call it March Madness. There are always going to be major upsets.

Pictures from tonight's game. 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Read This:

After reading Seth's Blog: On Self Determination, I wasn't sure which part I was playing. Through out college, I took the courses that were required. Did I grow as much as I wanted to in my 4 years at the University? I'm not sure.  Are there classes that I missed out on? Of course. Are there courses I loved way more than others? Of course. (I absolutely loved my African and African-American studies course about the civil rights movement from the emancipation of slavery until today). Do I regret not expanding my wings a little more? Yes. Should I have taken advantage of the on-campus speakers and guest lecturers? Of course. Can I change these the things I didn't do? NO! And that is the most important thing to realize. I did what I did, and I loved it! There are always going to be some things you wish you would have done differently; however,  you can't change the past. You have to look forward to continue to grow. 

Lost time is never found again. - Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I may be behind but...


this website is amazing. Check out LookBook.nu. It is a fashion website. It has new trends, hot looks, and people rave about it. This website is fashion forward, unique, and a comprehensive view of what fashion is. People from all over the world write in to share their ideas, pictures, and fashion concepts. If you are feeling fashionable, take a picture of yourself, upload it to the site, and get instant feedback. Amazing.