Sunday, March 7, 2010

Read This:

After reading Seth's Blog: On Self Determination, I wasn't sure which part I was playing. Through out college, I took the courses that were required. Did I grow as much as I wanted to in my 4 years at the University? I'm not sure.  Are there classes that I missed out on? Of course. Are there courses I loved way more than others? Of course. (I absolutely loved my African and African-American studies course about the civil rights movement from the emancipation of slavery until today). Do I regret not expanding my wings a little more? Yes. Should I have taken advantage of the on-campus speakers and guest lecturers? Of course. Can I change these the things I didn't do? NO! And that is the most important thing to realize. I did what I did, and I loved it! There are always going to be some things you wish you would have done differently; however,  you can't change the past. You have to look forward to continue to grow. 

Lost time is never found again. - Benjamin Franklin

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