Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Story of the Half Marathon in Vegas...

My brother, Chris, has challenged me to run a half marathon on Sunday, December 5th in Vegas. They close down Las Vegas Boulevard for this marathon. I willingly accepted his offer, as I am trying to get back in shape. I have also always wanted to run a half marathon, and now I have a reason. I am very competitive when it comes to my brother. I cannot let him win in this half marathon. I am going to train, train, and train some more until I believe I can beat him. The only set back, he is training for an Iron Man Triathlon that is going to be taking place in early November. He will be in amazing shape.

I on the other hand, have a long ways to go. I am coming off of a four-year binge of pizza, and unhealthy eating habits. I will need to create a new diet for myself. (Living in my parent's house will help this. They have a clean kitchen that allows for food preparation, and my mother will slap the pizza out of my hand). Additionally, this is where the gym membership that my parent's are generously paying for comes in handy.

A half marathon is a little more than 13 miles. Currently, I think I can run about 2. The Las Vegas Marathon has a time limit on it. I have four hours to finish the race. Hopefully, I will not need four hours! If you would like to find out more about the race, or if you are interested in running with me, please go here.

2009 Rock-n-Roll Las Vegas MarathonLas Vegas, Nevada December 6, 2009Photo: Victah Sailer@Photo RunVictah1111@aol.com631-741-1865www.photorun.NET

Leaving Lawrence...

Yesterday, I packed up my belongings in Lawrence. I was moving back to Colorado.  I am now a resident at my parent's home once again. Yikes. Yuck. Really? It is going to be an adjustment for both parties. I am use to leaving the house without someone asking, "where are you going?" My dad yesterday told me that if I wasn't going to come home at night I was to tell them. He wanted me to call him. I replied, "When I decide at 3am I am not coming home, you want me to call you?" He quickly replied, "A text will work."

I cannot complain to much. So far, I haven't paid for anything. My mother is being nice by doing my laundry as a graduation present. I get to park my car in the garage. The house is very clean, compared to my other house. And, they are going to pay for my gym membership!

It is just going to be hard not having my friends under the same roof as me. They were my family at school, and the ones I relied on. Growing up, I never imagined myself living in my parent's house again. But I guess with the poor economy, and my lack of funds, it is the only choice I have.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Final News Story...

An Alcohol Summit was held on campus on Friday. It was an opportunity for our campaigns class to share our ideas with more than just our clients. Below is another news clip discussing our ideas.

Click here to see the video and story.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Who would deny the power?

People who refuse to buy into social media are crazy. This is where the world is at now. Accept it. Join the conversations.

What do you do with your free time?

Campaigns has finally come to an end. We presented our campaign, "Jayhawks Party Smart, So Party Like A Jayhawk," on Wednesday. My group worked more than 1,300 hours on our book, video, ideas, and suggestions. The Revel Group (as we named ourselves) was passionate about what we recommended. The video below opened our presentation, and was edited by me! Free time has reappeared in my life. I am uncertain what to do with myself!