Monday, June 14, 2010

Let me tell you about my half marathon training...

Well, I am trying. That is about all I can say. I really actually do not like running, so this is a challenge. I get bored at the gym after about 30 minutes. However, on the positive side, I have found 2 others who also want to participate in this crazy thing I am doing!

I have begun working with a trainer. Well, today was the first day. It DID NOT go well. She told me to do my cardio BEFORE meeting with her. So I did. Twenty minutes on the elliptical. I was feeling good. I meet up with her, and my ass felt like it was continually being kicked. I was feeling decent until about 30 minutes into our 50 minute session when nausea struck. What is someone suppose to do when this happens???

Well for me, I tried to work through. I wanted to prove myself! Well, bad, bad idea. I had to stop in the middle of my session and excuse myself to the restroom. I vomited. How pathetic am I? Really, Kim? Apparently I am even WAY more out of shape than originally anticipated. These next 6 months are going to be the worst 6 months of my life. (But maybe I will be able to buy some adorable new clothing with all of the weight that is going to fall right off me due to my extensive training.)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry but... hahaha. I've ALWAYS wanted to work out hard enough to throw up, but I've never done it. I'm actually a little jealous, but I bet you don't understand that because you've actually done it! Good job Kimmy! You're gonna be great!
