Sunday, April 25, 2010

Phone Interviews? Good or bad?

On Friday, I participated in my first phone interview. I get extremely nervous for interviews in general, and in particular, I was terrified for this one. I was interviewing for a sales internship in Denver. I assumed the other potential candidates had in-person interviews. Am I disadvantaged? I believe so.  The interview process is about showing your personality through body language, handshakes and appearance. I couldn't read their body language, and they couldn't read mine. What if it was negative? 

I already have a slightly high voice, and I know it gets higher when making 'professional' calls. Why is this? I have no idea. Why do I have to have different voices? My professor told me to write "slow and low" on the mirror. Did this help? I certainly hope so. 

Overall, I am terrible at the whole interviewing process. How can someone judge my potential based on a conversation and a piece of paper? Shouldn't we have a two-week trial period where I can show them my hard work, and abilities? After two weeks, if I haven't impressed them, then dismiss me. Don't dismiss me based on questions that are potentially irrelevant to anything I am going to do. 

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