Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bucket List + then some.

After watching "The Bucket List," and "The Buried Life," (a show on MTV that follows four young men on their journey to complete their list and help others along the way), I have come to the conclusion that I want to create my own list of things to do before I die. As a child I was very privileged growing up. This allowed me to experience many things that some people can only dream of. I have had the opportunity to travel to some of the greatest places in the world, such as: Monaco, Spain, Italy, Turkey and so on. However, for me, there are areas that still need exploration.

My list...

1. Live in California
2. Travel to Africa to help in an orphanage, or with severely malnourished children
3. Have children of my own (which would also entail finding a husband -- or someone to be a sperm donor -- but the details aren't important).
4. Go skydiving (preferably by the ocean. I have watched my good friend's video many times, and I am super jealous).
5. Travel to NYC
6. Buy a house
7. Be able to financially support myself
8. Travel to South America
9. Be an entrepreneur
10. Cook a four course meal (and have it be edible).
11. Have a pet dog
12. Travel to London and Paris
13. Invent something (anything is possible...)
14. Go to Australia to play with Koala Bears, and Kangaroos
15. Learn to scuba dive
16. ...

I just created this list, but I will accomplish all of these things. Whether it is a few days from now, or a few years from now, I will cross each and every one off! Life is a journey, and I hope to have one crazy, wild, fun, and satisfying journey.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chat Roulette? Yes, Please.

The video below accurately depicts my experiences on If you haven't yet tried this website, which has been buzzing lately, I recommend it. Be prepared to experience many perverts, illegal drugs, and getting 'nexted' more often than not. However, you will find a unique individual to talk to on occasion. Also, I recommend visiting the website with a few other friends. It adds to the entertainment, and makes it slightly less awkward. If you live in Kansas, like I currently do, be prepared for negative reactions. Most people have to ask multiple times where, and then are baffled that people actually live here!

chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

And so it begins...

Well, not really beginning, more or less continuing. I am on a MEGA search for a job or post-grad internship. I have a list of about 20 different agencies, or small businesses I am going to be applying to over the weekend. For me, that means I have to write 20 different cover letters. If only I was good at selling myself. (And not in that sense, you dirty minds). I wish I were a genius when it came to putting together words and phrases. I envy my roommate. Without thinking, she can write the most inspirational/moving pieces.  I can barely jot down my strengths without hesitation. After re-reading my cover letters hundreds of times, I am finally ready to send them. However, nerves always get the best of me. What if this isn’t what they want? What if I’m not qualified enough? Does this really portray who I am?

Slowly my attitude is changing. Sooner, rather that later, it is going to be filled to the brim with confidence. I am the best. They would be lucky to have me. I have the skills. I am qualified enough. I am willing to work harder than the person next to me, and I always ready to learn new skills. I will get a job!


As an 18 year-old freshman, I didn’t want to listen to professors when they stressed the importance of work experience, and actually applying what you learned in class to the real world. My summers consisted of working at Eddie Bauer, going to Spain (which I would NEVER change -- except I would add some more time abroad), and taking summer school. Not internships. I did my homework, and got by. Now, I wish I had listened to EVERY word anyone had EVER told me. I would have set my self up for a better success rate. (Oh well, I am determined to be successful, and I will accomplish it!)

Seriously (and I mean seriously) take advantage of every opportunity! It could be going to career fairs, the etiquette dinner, going into teachers offices (get to know them so you can use them as a recommendation), joining organizations on campus, joining community organizations, or even faux interviews at the career center. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE OPPROTUNITIES! Universities provide them to be used, so use them!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reading List:

The following are the books I have either started reading, or just purchased from Borders to read.

*Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard - Chip Heath & Dan Heath
The New Rules of Marketing & PR - David Meerman Scott
*The Social Media Bible - Lon Safko and David K. Brake
Blink - Malcom Gladwell (recommended by
Poor Little Bitch Girl - Jackie Collins
*Nanny Returns - by Emma McLuaghlin and Nicola Kraus

A few of these books are requirements for different courses I am currently enrolled in, and others are just for my personal pleasure.  I honestly wish I had more time to sit down and read. There are so many different books out there. If you have any good suggestions, anything, let me know! Especially if it is beneficial to social media, PR, journalism, marketing, etc. I have a genuine crush/love/obsession with social media, and I am trying absorb anything and everything I can!

* - indicates I have actually opened the book, and started reading.

Monday, February 22, 2010


These monkeys are hilarious, crazy, amazing, and just plain awesome. Why hadn't anyone told me of these creatures? Who even knew monkeys like liquor as much as some humans do??

Thanks to a post on Jen's wall for the above video.

Famous last words...

NYFW: Michael Kors Spring-Summer 2010
("Starting Monday", I will look like this...)

Every week it is inevitable that I will say "
starting Monday." Whether it is referring to going to the gym, eating healthier, or actually reading for class. It could even be Tuesday, and I would still say, "starting Monday." I then proceed to do the complete opposite of what I was going to start on Monday. If I was going to eat healthy "starting Monday," I would then proceed to eat terribly until Monday. As if I am trying to get the most amount of junk food into my system before Monday. Basically, it is a never ending cycle. I could do amazing with my so-called weekly goals the first half of the week, and then completely BOMB the second half. Maybe it is because my weekend starts at 12:15 on Thursdays, or maybe it is because I am, after all, a college student. I mean, stereotypically speaking college students are lazy, pizza eating, beer drinking "adults." (None of which are me, right?)

But "starting tomorrow," as my good friend Devin always says, I am going to improve on this habit of mine. I will no longer put off what I can get done today, or something like that. This is going to be a challenge for me. I mean, after all, I do only have about 3 months left to be irresponsible. With that said, I leave you with some famous words from the one and only Tom Petty.

“You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."

I Hate It When...

Be curious, not judgmental. - Walt Whitman
College is a refuge from hasty judgment. - Robert Frost

People say they aren’t judgmental. I’m not sure about you, but I know that my first impression of someone is based strictly on judgment. I see everyone doing it to. (At least I think so). They size a person up. Head to toe. Why do people tell you to dress up for interviews? Well the interviewee is judging you. If you look like crap, they are going to think your work is crap...or something like that. Why did my mother always tell me to look decent when leaving the house? Well I still haven’t changed, but you never know whom you are going to meet. I guess maybe I should stop wearing hoodies, and sweats out. I could potentially bump into Mr. Right the next time I run a quick errand to Dillions. (However, I highly doubt that, I mean I have been in Lawrence for 3.5 years and all I ever see are townies at the grocery store. I swear).

Maybe you are quote un-quote non-judgmental but seriously- subconsciously whether you want to admit it or not – you are making first impressions. And first impressions = judgment.

However, once you get to know someone - I think it is best to try your best to not judge someone else's lifestyle. (I'm not saying I am perfect when it comes to this). Everyone is going to live their life the way they want to live it. So, I am going to continue living mine the way I want to, as you should too. If you are happy that is all that truly matters.

So basically, everyone is judgmental, but I guess you should try really hard not be. And if you find a way to avoid all judgments, please let me know.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stolen From Some Great Author...

Blogworthy: imboycrazy

If there is one person out there that is real and tells it like it is, its 'imboycrazy'. Not kidding...this chick rocks. Whatever kind of day you are having, she can make it better. Hilarious, down to earth, and unforgiving. I have spent countless hours reading back through some of her earlier posts instead of doing some homework for investments or reading for senior seminar. Everything she touches on are the topics that everyone else is too afraid to talk about and put insight into. Worth looking into fersher.

Thanks to for this post.

They say to never look back...

But I have had some of the best times of my life in the past 4 years. From studying abroad in Spain, to winning the 2008 Men's NCAA Basketball National Championship and everything in between, KU has been an amazing experience. I had doubts at first, but I am so happy that I decided to stay in Lawrence. I have met some amazing, unique, and inspiring people. I participated in classes that I never would have imagined myself taking. I started an organization at the University.

When deciding on a school to attend, my mother kept asking me whether I wanted to be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond. Well at KU I feel like I had to opportunity to experience both. I love that the professors in the Journalism school get to know each student on an individual level. It begins to take on the feel of a small college with in the bigger university. I love going out to eat in Lawrence and running into professors who know who you are, and are happy to talk to you.

Overall, my experience at KU has been truly remarkable. With the three months left I have in Lawrence, I plan to keep exploring the town, trying new things, and creating ever lasting memories with some of my best friends. And I hope to add another national championship to that list.

(PS this is me pretending I know how to use iMovie. I'm just trying to get better).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

I spent the day dinning at Zen Zero with my roommates, going to the gym, reading, applying for jobs, and cooking myself dinner. Sounds just like any other Sunday to me! My parents celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary today. I hope that one day, I can be as happy as they are!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is why I want the iPad. If magazines could really accomplish this, I would die. iPad is completely content driven, and still needs old media to function. But just imagine the possibilities.

Kelley James

Tuesday, February 2, 2010