Monday, February 22, 2010

I Hate It When...

Be curious, not judgmental. - Walt Whitman
College is a refuge from hasty judgment. - Robert Frost

People say they aren’t judgmental. I’m not sure about you, but I know that my first impression of someone is based strictly on judgment. I see everyone doing it to. (At least I think so). They size a person up. Head to toe. Why do people tell you to dress up for interviews? Well the interviewee is judging you. If you look like crap, they are going to think your work is crap...or something like that. Why did my mother always tell me to look decent when leaving the house? Well I still haven’t changed, but you never know whom you are going to meet. I guess maybe I should stop wearing hoodies, and sweats out. I could potentially bump into Mr. Right the next time I run a quick errand to Dillions. (However, I highly doubt that, I mean I have been in Lawrence for 3.5 years and all I ever see are townies at the grocery store. I swear).

Maybe you are quote un-quote non-judgmental but seriously- subconsciously whether you want to admit it or not – you are making first impressions. And first impressions = judgment.

However, once you get to know someone - I think it is best to try your best to not judge someone else's lifestyle. (I'm not saying I am perfect when it comes to this). Everyone is going to live their life the way they want to live it. So, I am going to continue living mine the way I want to, as you should too. If you are happy that is all that truly matters.

So basically, everyone is judgmental, but I guess you should try really hard not be. And if you find a way to avoid all judgments, please let me know.


  1. I'm not sure if you've read Blink, but if you haven't you should. : )

  2. Looks interesting. I will need to read it! Thanks for the suggestion!
