I have officially begun my adult life in the working world. I support 95% of my life and its adventures. (My parents still generously pay for my cell phone bill, and gym membership). It is hard to believe that in the economy, I was able to find a job BEFORE my internship even ended. Currently, I work as the Marketing and Sales Coordinator for Spectrum Retirement Communities, LLC. I help with creative services for 21 retirement communities across 9 different states. Everyday is different, and never dull. The most upsetting part of my job is when I run the weekly reports and see residents have moved out because they have become deceased.
Everyday I learn new tricks of the trade. Tomorrow, for instance, I will be at our community in Fort Collins running a photo shoot. I never would have thought I would be in charge on running a photo shoot! I have been with the company for about 90 days which is so minimal considering the lady I work with has been working for the same individuals for 22 years!
I'm loving your updates! Isn't it crazy how quickly things can change?! Congrats on your new-ish job and your new life :)